В статті здійснено аналіз стану здоров’я учнів основної школи, які належать до СМГ, описано їх морфофункціональний стан. Розглянуто питання організації занять фізичними вправами учнів з відхиленнями в стані здоров’я на уроках фізичної культури.
The article presents the analysis of the health status of students of primary school who belong to the SMG describes their morpho-functional state. The main problems at lessons of physical culture of pupils with deviations in health status. Social and economic changes of the last decade have affected the health of students in our country. Given this requires a special analysis of the health of secondary school pupils, the percentage incidence of which is increasing every year, which affects their motor activity, performance and success. One of the components of this problem is to organize classes on physical training the students, who for health engaged in special medical groups. The issue of preservation and promotion of health should provide a rational combination of new approaches to physical education students of special medical groups and the use of new renewable technologies. An important role in strengthening and maintaining the health of students SMG with various diseases, plays physical training, which is a powerful factor in the health effects on the body of this category of children. It contributes to remission, recovery of lung function, improve physical fitness, performance, and therefore the success of secondary school pupils. Solving the problem of physical education, except nosology need to focus its activities on the morphological and functional performance, needs and motivation for regular exercise, raising moral and volitional qualities, forming habits for a healthy lifestyle. This is compounded by the decline in motor activity and reduce the time children outdoors. That deterioration of health of children of school age often is not due to deterioration of organs or body systems due to disease resulting in reduction of motor activity.