Рассмотрены особенности формирования мотивации у спортсменов, занимающихся греблей академической. Изучены конкретные возрастные особенности и отличия мотивов, при занятиях спортом. Определены основные мотивы, которые формируют устойчивый интерес к занятиям греблей академической. Выявлены основные факторы, побуждающие молодых людей заниматься именно этим видом спорта. Также рассмотрены ключевые факторы, на которые тренеру необходимо обращать пристальное внимание при подготовке юных спортсменов, а также уже высококвалифицированных гребцов.
Розглянуто особливості формування мотивації у спортсменів, що займаються веслуванням академічним. Вивчено конкретні вікові особливості та відмінності мотивів, при заняттях спортом. Визначено основні мотиви, які формують стійкий інтерес до занять веслуванням академічним. Виявлено основні чинники, які спонукають молодих людей займатися саме цим видом спорту. Також розглянуто ключові фактори, на які тренерові необхідно звертати пильну увагу при підготовці юних спортсменів, а також вже висококваліфікованих веслярів.
At present, both athletes and coaches recognize the motivation of sports activities as a leading component of the psychological support of productive activities. The reasons that determine the person's participation in the work are desire, opportunities and qualifications of sportsmen, but especially motivation. In the process of motivation, the needs and motives are involved. So in this work features of athletes’ motivation formation which engaged in rowing are considered. Specific age features and differences in motives in sports were studied. The main motives are determined, which form a stable interest in practice of rowing. The main factors that motivate young people to engage in this sport are identified. Also are considered the key factors for which the coach needs to pay close attention when training young athletes, as well as already highly qualified oarsmen.
The most important dominant for masters of masters and juniors was the motive of aesthetic pleasure and thrills. For the youth sportsmen the collectivist motive is dominated , that is the desire to defend the honor of the team, the city, the country in various competitions and to justify the hopes placed by the coach and parents. Also the athletes chose the motive of material wealth, the development of character and mental qualities, the need for approval and enhancement of prestige and the desire for fame.
The factors that influenced the motivation of rowing were also determined. The advice of parents, relatives or friends has a great influence on the choice of a person in any sphere of life. The most significant motive for youth sportsmen and juniors was - on the advice of parents or friends (24% and 23%). Support from relatives is especially important for young people, as it helps to determine priorities in life. For the masters of sports, 22% of them were invited to row by the coach and 23% of the youth. This may be due to the authority that the coach must necessarily have.
The most basic for all groups of athletes was the reason for the presence of high growth. Still, the athletes distinguished the visibility of the growth of the result and the opportunity only to show the result here.