В статті, на матеріалах турніру Світової ліги 2016 року, розглянуто особливості методичних підходів до визначення модельних характеристик змагальної діяльності висококваліфікованих волейболістів різного амплуа.
В статье, на материалах турнира Мировой лиги 2016 года, рассмотрены особенности методических подходов к определению модельных характеристик соревновательной деятельности высококвалифицированных волейболистов различного амплуа.
In the article, on the materials of the World League Tournament 2016, the features of methodical approaches to the definition of model characteristics of the competitive activities of highly skilled volleyball players of different roles are considered. It is shown that approaches to the formation of model characteristics of competitive activities in volleyball significantly depend on the level of skill players. It is emphasized that the most suitable for determining the model characteristics of the competitive activity of highly skilled volleyball players is the construction of models based on the average indicators of the best players of a particular role, maximum indicators or individualization of model characteristics. For the players of the "libero" line, a different methodological approach is proposed based on the specific features of the competitive activity and rules of the competition, which determines the possibilities of using the players of the role of "libero" in the adversarial process.