Встановлені шляхи підвищення якості навчального процесу студентів-спортсменів з використанням інноваційних інформаційних технологій. У дослідженні приймали участь 360 студентів академії фізичної культури. Розроблені та впроваджені комп’ютерні навчальні та контролюючі програми з дисциплін інформаційного профілю.
Определены пути повышения качества учебного процесса студентов-спортсменов с использованием информационных технологий. В исследовании принимали участие 360 студентов академии физической культуры. Разработаны и внедрены компьютерные обучающие и контролирующие программы по дисциплинам информационного профиля.
Established ways to improve the quality of educational process of students-athletes using of innovative information technologies. The study involved 360 students of the Academy of Physical Culture. Developed and implemented computer training and monitoring programs on the subject of informatics. Computer training and control system is a new direction of development of information support training university sports profile.
The purpose of research is the development and implementation of information means of training and control of knowledge of students of higher educational institutions of physical training in the disciplines of information profile. Method created using software is that computer training program can be used in class as evident demonstration of educational material – visualization.
In workshops teacher records each student, tester knowledge in the discipline, subject chooses classes individually for each student – individualization computer training. Based on the survey it was found a high level assessment of respondents' computer program - 40% of respondents. We discovered the positive and negative aspects of our computer program. Upgraded the program, which allowed her to further implementation of the learning process of students. The growth rate of knowledge of students in computer studies found 7.6% compared to traditional methods of presenting educational material.