У статті на основі аналізу літератури та результатів дослідження з’ясовуються складові роботи спортивно-оздоровчих секцій з волейболу для різносторонньо підготовленого контингенту студентської молоді та вимоги до навчального і оздоровчого процесу тренування.
В статье на основе анализа литературы и результатов исследования выясняются составляющие спортивно-оздоровительных секций по волейболу для разносторонне подготовленного контингента студенческой молодежи и требования к учебному и оздоровительному процессу тренировки.
The article describes basis aspects of literature and the results of the study investigated the components of sports and recreation volleyball sections for multi-task trained contingent of students and requirements for training and improving the process of training. The issue of employment in the university section in the case of a group of students with sports categories and sports titles in volleyball. The article states that the sectional work in volleyball at the universities depends on the availability of material and technical (sports complex) of educational institutions; as well as technical and physical training of a contingent of students who want to engage in volleyball section. The university section in volleyball can be represented in three ways, depending on the readiness of students: Group of sports perfection, specialized medical group, the preparatory group. A brief description of these groups and in this connection points to the need to develop a variety of training programs, procedures, monitoring systems for each group of students engaged in volleyball. It raises the question of the elimination of physical education departments in some universities of Ukraine and creation on their basis of voluntary sports clubs to visit breakout sessions students. This innovation leads to the abandonment of physical training of students, which in turn affects students' health and then to the entire educational process as a whole.