Розглянуто дані наукової літератури в аспекті стану розвитку функціональних можливостей та
фізичних якостей дітей у дошкільний період при використанні чинного змісту програми їхнього розвитку. Водночас,
розглянуто причини одержаних даних та деякі перспективні шляхи підвищення ефективності фізичного виховання у
вирішенні завдання щодо розвитку досліджуваних компонентів рухової активності дітей дошкільного віку.
Рассмотрены данные научной
литературы в аспекте состояния развития функциональных возможностей и физических качеств детей в дошкольный
период при использовании действующего содержания программы их развития. В то же время, рассмотрены причины
полученных данных и некоторые перспективные пути повышения эффективности физического воспитания в решении
задач, касающихся развития исследуемых компонентов двигательной активности детей дошкольного возраста.
It was observed scientific literature facts about forming skills and abilities in the main movements while
using them by preschoolers according to the programme of their development.
At the same time it was studied the question about necessity of forming special knowledges in such type of kids, knowledges
connected with using PE lessons for developing their movement activity and abilities in using these knowledges in practice. The
purpose of the investigation is to find out the level of abilities and skills in main movements among preschoolers, and to discover
knowledges connected with PE lessons. The complex of general scientific methods of investigation, in particular such as analysis,
generalization, classification, theoretical modeling were used. That type of investigation foresaw adequate acts of the individual.
Received facts affirmed that functional abilities development of the most 3-6 years old children is on the low level. Physical
qualities of such children are characterized by unequal development at a certain age. Mostly it is caused by hereditary factor and
sensitive periods. Generally, muscle, rapid power, power endurance, speed of the certain movement, movement frequency,
coordination in the cyclical locomotions are characterized by lower than average level, explosive power, elasticity, coordination in the
ballistic movements are characterized by average level.
One of the perspective way of functional abilities and physical qualities development is using aerobic regime for performance
movements during PE lessons, strengthening instructor’s pedagogic actions during PE lessons and teachers in the functioning of
family groups “parents-children” with priority in using folk movement games.