У статті розглядається питання поліпшення фізичного і функціонального стану студентів з вегето-судинною дистонією. Представлені методика і результати дослідження, що доводять ефективність застосування комплексу силових вправ зі студентами спеціальної медичної групи.
В статье рассматривается вопрос улучшения физического и функционального состояния студентов с вегето-сосудистой дистонией. Представлены методика и результаты исследования, доказывающие эффективность применения комплекса силовых упражнений со студентами специальной медицинской группы.
The problem to improve the physical and functional condition of students with vegetative-vascular dystonia. The methods and results of studies that prove the effectiveness of the complex power exercises with students of special medical group.
The method of integrated application security exercises during physical training of students of special medical group that takes into account individual characteristics, rational dosage abuse in health and meets the functionality, physical capacity and physical fitness of students. The results revealed high efficiency of practical implementation techniques developed in the experimental group students with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Selection complex force exercises combined with breathing exercises and exercises in random muscle relaxation provided improvement in the functional state of the cardiovascular system, preserve and strengthen physical health, enhance physical performance and physical fitness of students of special medical group. Very important is the combination of strength training on two types of dynamic exercises, breathing and relaxation in any muscle. Breathing exercises are used with three main objectives: a) as special exercises that help to normalize blood circulation; b) as a means to reduce the value of general and special burden in class; c) to teach students correct breathing and rational ability to arbitrarily regulate breathing during muscle activity. The peculiarities of the impact of the developed method for students experimental group of vegetative-vascular dystonia. When used within two years of stress combined with breathing exercises and exercises in any relaxation of muscles lower your blood pressure (SBP, DBP, PD) on average by 3.9% (p <0.05), 5.1 % (p <0.05), 1.3%, and improvements in physical fitness, long jump from place to 4.43%; shuttle run at 5.83%; the rise trunk from a prone position for 30 seconds at 17,48%; pulling on the bar at an angle of 45o to 42.68%. In the control group of students with vegetative-vascular dystonia shift from hemodynamics were significantly lower.