В статті висвітлено нові технології навчального процесу до організації зі спортивних ігор, використання різноманітних засобів діяльності студентів, які забезпечують систематизацію
теоретичних знань і формують у майбутніх учителів фізичної культури уміння використовувати набуті знання в практичній діяльності.
В статье освещены новые технологии учебного процесса к организации спортивных игр, использование разнообразных способов деятельности студентов, которые обеспечивают
систематизацию теоретических знаний и формируют в будущих учителей физической культуры умение использовать приобретенные знания в практической деятельности.
Without regard to that many years speech about reformation of educational industry, abandonment from the authoritarian methods of studies and education, their humanizing and democratization, in practical activity of establishments of education, especially in teaching of physical culture, unfortunately, and authoritarian, extensive methods prevail presently. Research results allow to assert that during great while "traditional" direction won in preparation of teachers of P.E(including her methodical component), when a teacher was examined only as a
"transmitter" of certain sum of the purchased knowledge. Uneasily the system of higher education parts with the old stereotypes of the closed society, mine-out in the conditions of all-embracing monopoly of the party state. Therefore among the bright ideas of higher pedagogical school of the past, that insistingly
recommence in the conditions of present time, there is the humanistic going near Teacher, personality of that will come forward as a standard of common to all mankind culture and public values. The problem of integral development of personality of teachers of physical culture is actualizing in connection with social demographic terms in the state, by the increase of physical and psychical activity. The modern system of professionally-pedagogical education is determined on the decision of tasks of studies, not taking into account integrative approaches in realization all her educational functions.