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Ukrainian State University

Оздоровительное плавание для студентов

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Назарук, В. М. 2018-01-16T09:15:04Z 2018-01-16T09:15:04Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation Назарук, В. М. Оздоровительное плавание для студентов / В. М. Назарук // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15 : Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури ( фізична культура і спорт) : зб. наук. праць. - Київ : Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2014. - Вип. 5(48). - С. 91-95. ua
dc.description.abstract В статье рассматриваются данные относительно влияния оздоровительного плавания на здоровье студентов. ua
dc.description.abstract В статті розглядаються дані відносно впливу оздоровчого плавання на здоров'я студентів. ua
dc.description.abstract In this article data about influence of healthy swimming on the health of students are considered. At present the factors influence on the health of students which (factors) influenced less significantly before. Automatization of industry, lowering physical loading and increasing mental loading, urbanization as well as informational loading are elements of our mode of life and these elements differently are reflected on the health of youth. That’s why there is a necessity of taking measures and decisions which will change situation to the best as well as will give an opportunity to control the health of the students.The tasks of healthy swimming are: - improving technique of swimming with the help of selected methods; - active hardening and improving of the system of thermoregulation of organism; - increasing the level of functioning cardial system and breathing system; - strengthening moving system; - developing general endurance, coordinative abilities, flexibility; - strength training and moving training; - integral swimming training. The means of healthy swimming are: -imitation (on land) swimming on elements; - swimming on technique on elements in full coordination under control of trainer or sport instructor; - warm, contrast, cold shower before and after training; swimming at open basins; - long continuous swimming, repeated and complex swimming at aerobic and mixed modes; - sliding and swimming for velocity on chest, on back with next turn; - swimming with retaining breath; diving to the length; - passive exercises, active exercises, passive and active exercises for stretching at shoulders, knees on land and at water; - complex swimming; - exercises with loading on land and at water; - repeated swimming certain distances with submaximal and maximal velocities. ua
dc.language.iso ru ua
dc.publisher НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова ua
dc.subject методы оздоровительного плавания ua
dc.subject средства оздоровительного плавания ua
dc.subject регламент упражнений ua
dc.subject техника плавания ua
dc.subject методи оздоровчого плавання ua
dc.subject засоби оздоровчого плавання ua
dc.subject регламент вправ ua
dc.subject техніка плавання ua
dc.subject methods of healthy swimming ua
dc.subject means of healthy swimming ua
dc.subject regulations of exercises ua
dc.subject method of swimming ua
dc.subject.classification 797.2 ua
dc.subject.classification 378 ua
dc.title Оздоровительное плавание для студентов ua
dc.type Article ua

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