В даній статті проведено аналіз функціональних можливостей студентів та їх фізичного розвитку в світлі
впровадження щорічного оцінювання фізичної підготовленості студентів ВНЗ. З метою збільшення мотивації та зацікавленості молоді щодо вдосконалення власних фізичних якостей. Здійснений пошук та аналіз новітніх видів
спорту та форм фізичної активності. Представлені результати застосування на заняттях з фізичного виховання
експериментальних комплексів вправ, що притаманні та широко використовуються в кросфіті.
В данной статье проведён анализ функциональных возможностей студентов и их физического развития в
свете внедрения ежегодного оценивания физической подготовленности студентов ВУЗов. С целью повышения
мотивации и заинтересованности молодёжи к усовершенствованию собственных физических качеств совершён поиск
и анализ новых видов спорта и форм физической активности. Представлены результаты применения на занятиях по
физическому воспитанию экспериментальных комплексов упражнений которые характерны и широко применяются в
One way to counteract the negative tendency of decrease in health, workability of people, and in particular of students is
the introduction of an annual estimation of physical efficiency of students of Ukrainian universities.
During the study at the university most of young people do not pay the necessary attention to their physical training due
to the large volume of training material which results in a decline of physical conditions, loss of the necessary level of development
of physical qualities, regress of skills and deterioration of workability.
Obviously there is a need to find new modern facilities in order to ensure a full development of young people.
Common methods of physical training are not popular among students because they often require long and monotonous
work (crosses, running, muscle-strengthening exercises etc.).
That is why we have turned our attention to the means which are not only available but are now popular among young
people (pilates, yoga, cheerleading, martial arts and gymnastics, etc.). A relatively new type of fitness which is now turned into a
separate sport, KrossFit, can be attributed to such means. This sport has acquired a special popularity in Ukrainian in recent years
and attracts a constantly growing number of young people both among boys and girls.[8,15]
The analysis of functional abilities and physical development of students has been carried out for students medical and
jurisprudence during the study.
The results for the application of the experimental sets of exercises which are typical and are widely used in CrossFit
during the lessons of physical education are presented. The comparative characteristic of students level has been realized for the
experimental and control groups of both universities.
The article describes also the guidelines for the application and dosage of exercises that have been successfully applied
and tested in the experimental groups. A higher level of physical properties has been observed as a result of their use in the
experimental groups.
This set of exercises has been perceived positively by the students which has affected their motivation and raised a great
interest due to its competitive activity.