У статті висвітлено особливості процесу систематизації знань студентів щодо феномену «медіа» як однієї з
педагогічних умов, що забезпечує формування медіаосвітньої компетентності майбутніх учителів. Представлено специфіку
побудови елективних (спеціальних) курсів для студентів бакалаврату.
В статье представлены особенности
процесса систематизации знаний студентов о феномене «медиа» как одного из педагогических условий формирования
медиаобразовательной компетентности будущих учителей. Представлена специфика разработки элективных (специальных)
курсов для студентов бакалаврата.
The article highlights the systematization of students '
knowledge regarding the phenomenon of «media» which is pedagogical condition for developing mediaeducational competence of the future
teachers. Presented specifics elective (special courses) for students of bachelor’s degree. Teachers apply media technologies in the course
of preparation for a lesson, and also to studying of experience of colleagues, self-education, of creations of author's network content, for the
organization of work of pupils in online laboratories; carrying out online of thematic or current control of knowledge, for applying in stationary
training of elements of distance learning, to involvement of pupils to performance of tasks of creative or research character which provide
information search in the Internet, creation of own blogs and websites, participation in telecommunication projects, network competitions and
so forth. Necessary condition of systematization is promotion of the fundamental idea capable to give knowledge in logical unities.
Knowledge and abilities is the effective device of thinking if in consciousness of pupils (student) they are organized in system of the
interconnected concepts. Systematization of knowledge depends on an order of their studying (along with the accounting of psychology and
pedagogical requirements to assimilation process). Facultative (elective) specially developed training course is a subjectis studied by
students of higher education institutions if they want. When developing a special elective course (discipline) it is necessary to consider that
knowledge is, on the one side, the condition of development of students is, with another - necessary fund, basis for their further activity.
Therefore, the high level of mastering knowledge means possibility of the student freely to apply this knowledge in various conditions.