У статті наведено матеріали багаторічних досліджень щодо ефективності використання експериментальної методики під час навчальних занять з фізичної культури розвитку силових якостей у школярів початкових класів загальноосвітньої школи.
В статье подан материал многолетних исследований относительно эффективности использования экспериментальной методики во время учебных занятий с физической культуры по развитию силовых качеств у школьников начальных классов общеобразовательной школы.
A scientific ground of methodology of development of power qualities of the schoolchildren of initial classes of general school. To the article materials of long-term researches are driven in relation to efficiency of the use of experimental methodology during lessons after the physical culture of development of power qualities for the schoolchildren of initial classes of general school. A problem of strengthening of health is one of main tasks of our society. To attain successes in this business, it is necessary to bring the way of life of children to conformity with conformities to law of their development, work out effective facilities of influence on the organism of children, to enter the rational mode of studies and rest, system of rational feed and others like that.The organism of schoolboy it the difficult developing system, and for his correct development motive activity, games, physical exercises, is needed. For junior schoolchildren after childhood, motive activity of that was not almost limited, and the circle of duties very limited, the mental loading increases sharply, with a necessity calmly to sit after a school desk during 45 minutes of lesson. Therefore one of basic tasks of physical culture in junior classes - it maximally facilitate "included" of children in the new for them order of life, to assist the best mastering of on-line tutorial, to do intellection that less than tires and is more productive A physical culture in activity of students of initial classes is important means in forming for them of conscious attitude toward strengthening of the health, development of the physical qualities, using facilities of physical culture and observance of healthy way of life.