Цифровий репозитарій
Українського державного університету
імені Михайла Драгоманова

Формування вокально-слухових навичок майбутнього вчителя музики

ISSN: 2310-8290

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Маруфенко, Олена Вікторівна
dc.date.accessioned 2012-11-16T22:57:52Z
dc.date.available 2012-11-16T22:57:52Z
dc.date.issued 2006
dc.identifier.citation Маруфенко, Олена Вікторівна. Формування вокально-слухових навичок майбутнього вчителя музики : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.02 / О.В. Маруфенко ; наук. кер. А. Ф. Кречківський ; Нац. пед. ун-т ім. М.П.Драгоманова. — К., 2006. — 20 с. ru_RU
dc.identifier.uri http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1755
dc.description.abstract У дисертації досліджено проблему формування вокально-слухових навичок майбутнього вчителя музики у процесі фахової підготовки. Уточнено дефініцію “вокальний слух” та конкретизовано сутність поняття “вокально-слухові навички”, визначено їх структурні компоненти - мотиваційний, когнітивний та операційний. У дисертації розкрито специфіку формування вокально-слухових навичок майбутніх педагогів-музикантів, доведено залежність ефективності даного процесу від реалізації педагогічних умов - формування вокально-слухацької установки, оволодіння спеціальними вокально-теоретичними знаннями, опанування практичними прийомами вокально-слухового діагностування власного та дитячого співацького процесу. Розроблено та застосовано у педагогічному експерименті систему критеріїв визначення рівнів сформованості вокально-слухових навичок майбутніх вчителів музики. Науково обґрунтовано і перевірено на практиці педагогічну модель, яку реалізовано в експериментальній методиці поетапного формування вокально-слухових навичок майбутнього вчителя музики. ru_RU
dc.description.abstract In dissertation the problem of forming of vocally-auditory skills of future music master is studied in the process of professional training on the musical-pedagogical faculties of higher pedagogical educational establishments. As a result of study of psychological, physiological, pedagogical and art literature the specific of vocally-auditory activity of future teacher-musician is analyzed from positions of bioacoustics, anatomy-physiology and theory of singing voice. It is set that vocally-auditory perception of process of phonation is basis of vocally-auditory activity, vocal ear, vocally-auditory skills. Vocally-auditory perception of singing sound consists of two structural components: vocally-physiological and vocally-analyzing. A vocally-physiological component consists of five elements and there are different analyzers systems of man in their basis : auditory, visual, motive, speech-motive, haptic. A vocally-analyzing component consists of six elements: acoustic, visual, proprioreception, baroreception, vibration reception and “ideomotor introjections”. These structural components carry out the process of perception, which has two levels: filtration and analysis. In the process of scientific analysis the algorithm of the vocally-auditory diagnosing is made. It has two structural components in its basis: the structure of perception and algorithm of fulfillment. The algorithm is based on two structural components formed in mind: generally accepted vocal standard and personal “regulative image”. The process of analysis of vocally-auditory information compares a vocal standard and “a regulative image”, formed in mind and is the process of of the vocally-auditory diagnosis. In this case algorithm of vocally-auditory analysis is a certain level of literacy, and its highest point is a special category of mastery of the vocally-auditory diagnosis prognostication and correction. Under the vocal ear of future music teacher we understand professional quality which provides the ability of personality to execute the diagnostic, prognosis and correcting actions on the basis of the conscious use of vocally-theoretical knowledge and complex realized vocally-auditory perception of the phenomena of phonation. Taking into consideration specific feature of vocally-auditory activity, under vocally-auditory skills we understand the automated actions directed on realization of vocally-auditory analysis and correction of process of phonation with the control for work of both own and extraneous singing vehicle. The structural components of these skills are: motivational, cognitive, actively-operating. In the process of research work it was set, that efficiency of formation of vocally-auditory skills of future music masters depends on the observance of such pedagogical terms: forming of the vocally-auditory setting, increase of volume of vocally-theoretical knowledge, forming of practical skills of diagnostics and self-diagnostics of singing process. It is experimentally proved that adaptation of future music masters to vocally-auditory activity is provided by a pedagogical model which consists of such structural elements: motivational (aims on forming of the vocally-auditory setting), cognitive (supposes the acquisition of fundamental vocally-theoretical knowledge), actively-operating (requires the practical use of the acquired theoretical knowledge). The last in its turn is divided into two substructural elements: the element of self-diagnostics (orients on the realized capture of diagnostics of the own singing by vocally-auditory skills ) and the element of diagnostics of the stranger singing (directs to forming of skills of comparison of own “regulative image” with a singing standard). The mechanism of realization of pedagogical model was provided by introduction of experimental method of the stage-by-stage forming of vocally-auditory skills of future music masters in the educational process. An experimental method is the dynamic system consisting of three associate stages of teaching: forming-propedevtation (directs to forming of primary motivation, acquisition of initial vocally-theoretical knowledge, forming of individual “regulative image”), developing-informative (directs to overcoming of the states of cognitive dissonance, forming of the system of vocally-theoretical knowledge, acquisition of practical vocally-auditory skills of diagnostics of singing process), finishing-adaptation (directs to forming of the vocally-auditory setting, deepening of vocally-theoretical knowledge in the process of research activity, capture of the vocally-auditory diagnostics by the algorithm). The contents of teaching stages is specified in flowsheets which correspond to each of the selected stages of the developed method. The analysis of research results allowed to establish the positive changes in forming of vocally-auditory skills at the students of control group, that serves as the direct evidence of efficiency of the offered method. ru_RU
dc.language.iso uk ru_RU
dc.publisher Видавництво НПУ ім. М.П. Драгоманова ru_RU
dc.subject вокальний слух ru_RU
dc.subject вокально-слухові навички ru_RU
dc.subject установка на вокально-слухову діяльність ru_RU
dc.subject педагогічна модель ru_RU
dc.subject методика поетапного формування вокально-слухових навичок ru_RU
dc.subject vocal hearing ru_RU
dc.subject vocal-acoustical skills ru_RU
dc.subject vocal-acoustical installation ru_RU
dc.subject pedagogical model ru_RU
dc.subject a technique of the stage-by-stage of formation of vocal-acoustical skills ru_RU
dc.subject.classification 372. 878 ru_RU
dc.title Формування вокально-слухових навичок майбутнього вчителя музики ru_RU
dc.type Other ru_RU

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