Перегляд по назві

Сортувати по: Порядок: Результати:

  • Shchaslyva, N. (Вид-во НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2021)
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Holinska, Tetiana; Komarovska, Oksana; Melnyk, Olha; Shpitsa, Roksolana; Sova, Olha; Strohal, Tetiana (Allied Academies, USA, 2019)
    The article explores the issue of active implementation of cloud technology in art education. A methodical designing system of cloud technology application for art entrepreneurship education was formed. The complex filling ...
  • Stryzhak, Oleksandr; Dovgyi, Stanislav; Demianenko, Valentyna; Popova, Maryna; Gayevska, Olena (Вид-во НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2021)
    The digitalization of modern society, the emergence of the knowledge economy and the establishment of the principle of lifelong learning have led to the development of applied information and communication technologies in ...
  • Borodiichuk, Nadiya V.; Бородійчук, Н. В. (Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2018)
    The article deals with the problem of the cognitive nature of metaphor formed in the medium of mythological consciousness of the primitive human. It is supposed that such the main features of the mythological thinking ...
  • Voronina-Pryhodii, Dasha A.; Вороніна-Пригодій, Д. А. (Вид-во НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2020)
    The article considers the problems of modern terminology in the cognitive aspect, highlights the modern approach to the study of the term as a linguistic sign that represents linguistic, rational and actually special knowledge. ...
  • Matvieieva, Svitlana A.; Torgovets, Maryna A. (Вид-во НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2022)
    The article deals with the problem of obtaining, processing, storing and transferring professional information with the help of language means and the formation of a system of professional knowledge. The paper substantiates ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Ostapchuk, Anastasiia (Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2020)
    Described the new Davies Alpine House (2006), named for its benefactor Edwin Davies at Kew ( London) and its collection of Alpines.
  • Rud, Maria; Pet’ko, Lyudmila (BookwireTM, 2022)
    Home to more orchid species than anywhere else in the world, Colombia’s unparalleled biodiversity and vibrant culture was the inspiration for Kew’s 24th annual orchid festival in February 2019 (London). Kew is a global ...
  • Bohdanova, S. A.; Kozachuk, O. D. (Видавництво НПУ ім.М.П.Драгоманова, 2015)
    Статтю присвячено проблемі ментальності та архетипів. Ментальність розглядається як об’єднавче для членів соціокультурної спільноти особливе світосприйняття, підґрунтям якого є недостатньо усвідомлювана система ...
  • Stanulewicz, Danuta; Radomyski, Konrad (Вид-во УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2024)
    The aim of this paper is to present colour terms used by scientists in the field of astrophysics. We take into consideration both basic and non-basic colour terms – as understood by Berlin and Kay (1969). The research ...
  • Stanulewicz, Danuta; Radomyski, Konrad (Вид-во НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2021)
    Colour is a common physical phenomenon involving selective absorption, reflection or transmission of certain wavelengths of light. It is one of the fundamental properties of chemical compounds, which is particularly ...
  • Korolyova, Alla V.; Корольова, А. В. (Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2018)
    The topical and complicated problem of modern linguistics has been examined in the article. It deals with the study of the processes and mechanisms of creating new senses by the various combinations of both language signs ...
  • Andruschenko, V. P.; Saveliev, V. L. (Видавництво НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2016)
  • Kondratieva, N. (Вид-во НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2021)
    «Заметки о Времени» напечатаны в разделе Дискуссионный Клуб в журнале № 18, 2021. На полученные отзывы по поводу «Заметок о Времени» отвечает автор.
  • Дубовик, Оксана Вікторівна (Publishing Center of the International Scientific Association “Science & Genesis”, Copenhagen, 2014)
    An analysis of similar and excellent training in technical staff training in the United States and Ukraine suggests that both countries are considering improving their educational systems as an important condition for ...
  • Kharytonenko, O. І.; Savenkova, L. V.; Bilorustseva, T. M.; Mariienko, A. O. (2023)
    Objective.The communication aspects of media, publishing, and editorial activities of university libraries were studied based on their official websites and the experience of the Scientific Library of the Drahomanov Ukrainian ...
  • Kukier, Joanna (Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2022)
    This article attempts to characterize both the development of communication and media in the context of convergence. The media as we know it today stems from a long period of evolution: from pre-media to a “connected” ...
  • Xie Fang (− Les Editions L'Originаlе, Paris (France), 2016)
    The article analyzes the possibility of optimization of participant’s communication in educational process; social and artistic content of communicative activities is defined. The author presents methodological aspects and ...
  • Zaitseva, A. V.; Strogal, T. U. (Izdevnieciba "Baltija Publishing", 2018)
    The article deals with the results of the research theoretical and methodical backgrounds of formation of artistic and communicative culture of a future teacher of music. According to the study of methodological backgrounds ...
  • Ishchuk, A. A.; Ishchuk, O. M. (Liha-Pres, 2022)
    Комунікація має безпосередній вплив на постіндустріальне суспільство і є відповідною метою його розвитку. Розвиток комунікації сам по собі спричиняє позитивну динаміку в житті людини. За таких умов люди стають більш ...