Перегляд по Автору "Komarovska, Oksana"

Сортувати по: Порядок: Результати:

  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Holinska, Tetiana; Komarovska, Oksana; Melnyk, Olha; Shpitsa, Roksolana; Sova, Olha; Strohal, Tetiana (Allied Academies, USA, 2019)
    The article explores the issue of active implementation of cloud technology in art education. A methodical designing system of cloud technology application for art entrepreneurship education was formed. The complex filling ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Harashchenko, Larysa; Komarovska, Oksana; Маtviienko, Olena; Ovsiienko, Liudmyla; Shcholokova, Olga; Sokolova, Olga (2019)
    This paper analyzes the socio-economic determinants of the development of corporate education in the conditions of social changes, philosophical foundations of corporate education as an integral part of adult education, ...