Перегляд по Автору "Pet’ko, Ludmyla"

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  • Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Savina, Kateryna (К. : НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова, 2013)
    his article is devoted to describing of history of Russian ballet. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some materials on developing of ballet in Russia, its influence on the development of ballet schools in the ...
  • Flamenco 
    Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Kreydun, Sofia (Видавництво НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова, 2013)
    This article is devoted to describing Flamenco dance. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some material on history of this dance, famous dancers, guitar-players, and singers. The article focuses on the theoretical ...
  • Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Kreydun, Sofia (Praha: Publiching house Education and Science s.r.o., 2014)
    This article is devoted to describing Flamenco dance. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some material on history of this dance, famous dancers, guitar-players, and singers. The article focuses on the ...
  • Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Pita, Aldo (Przemys`l: Nauka i Studia (Poland), 2013)
    This article is devoted to describing of modern dance history. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some material on famous choreographers and dancers of modern dances. The authors draws to the conclusion the ...
  • Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Mel’nichenko, Xenia (К. : НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова, 2013)
    This article is devoted to describing of creative work in modern ballet by Mikhail Baryshnikov. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some material on famous ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov as dancer, choreographer, ...
  • Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Moskalenko, Violeta (Przemys`l : Nauka i Studia (Polska), 2013)
    This article is devoted to describing of creative work in modern ballet by Maya Plisetskay. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some material on famous ballerina Maya Plisetskay as choreographer and as dancer ...
  • Moskalenko, Violeta; Pet’ko, Ludmyla (К. : НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова, 2013)
    This article is devoted to describing of creative work in modern ballet by Maya Plisetskay. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some material on famous ballerina Maya Plisetskay as choreographer and as dancer ...
  • Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Mel’nichenko, Xenia (Praha : Publiching house Education and Science s.r.o., 2014)
    This article is devoted to describing of creative work in modern ballet by Mikhail Baryshnikov. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some material on famous ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov as dancer, choreographer, ...
  • Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Savina, Kateryna (Przemys`l : Nauka i Studia, 2013)
    This article is devoted to describing of history of Russian ballet. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some materials on developing of ballet in Russia, its influence on the development of ballet schools in ...