Перегляд по Автору "Matviienko, Olena"

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  • Matviienko, Olena; Матвієнко, Олена (Fadette editions, Namur, Belgium, 2019)
    The current problems of modern vocational training of future primary school teachers for the new Ukrainian school are revealed. The article points out the positions proving that in the first classes of the schools a new ...
  • Matviienko, Olena; Матвієнко, Олена (Thorpe Bowker. Melbourne, Australia, 2016)
    The author investigates actual problems of primary school pupils with school underachievement. The reasons of underachievement are analyzed and identified; some ways and approaches of identifying and overcoming patterns ...
  • Matviienko, Olena; Tutova, Tetiana; Матвієнко, Олена; Тутова, Тетяна (Toronto: Shiny Word.Corp. (Canada), 2019)
    У статті розглядається проблема готовності майбутніх вчителів початкової школи до педагогічної взаємодії з гетерогенними групами учнів до педагогічної взаємодії в умовах Нової української школи. Результати теоретичного ...
  • Maiatina, Natalia; Matviienko, Olena; Маятіна, Н. В.; Матвієнко, О. В. (Shiny Word.Corp. (Canada), 2018)
    The article considers the whole essence of the concept "readiness for professional activity", its types in future food technicians. The existing approaches to structuring of future food technicians’ readiness for professional ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (Academic Publishing House of the Agricultural University Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2016)
    The author presents psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of charity upbringing in primary school age pupils. Motive-, emotive-volitional and behavioral spheres of children are described.
  • Matviienko, Olena (Les Editions L'Originаlе, Paris, France, 2017)
    This article presents the ways and condition of pedagogical interaction in the organization of individual work with students. Individualization of learning process, which is based on variations of the educational material ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (SAUL Publishing Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, 2017)
    This article summarizes the experience of the activity system of teachers and students in implementing the intensification of the training of future primary school teachers. In order to intensify the training of future ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (Aspekt Publishing of Budget Printing Center, Taunton, MA 02780, United States of America, 2017)
    The article deals with problem goal setting in the teacher’s pedagogical activity. Pedagogical goal setting as a factor of professional development of the teacher is presented. Modern requirements for goal setting in ...
  • Matviienko, Olena; Scyhmeystryh, Oksana; Матвієнко, О. В.; Цихмейструк, О. М. (Agenda Publishing House, Coventry, United Kingdom, 2017)
    The article analyzes the essence of multicultural upbringing, the correspondence of the educational system in the multicultural environment to the processes of European integration. The mentioned approaches, conditions, ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (Aspekt Publishing of Budget Printing Center, Taunton, United States of America, 2018)
    Some aspects of pedagogical communication are presented in the conditions of a new Ukrainian school formation. It is noted that in the pedagogical practice of a new Ukrainian school the advantage should be given to developing ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, 2016)
    This article is devoted to the actual problems of professional training of primary school teachers. The article clarifies the meaning of "pedagogical task" and the system of the pedagogical tasks as a method of professional ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (GPG Publishing Group, Pretoria, South Africa, 2017)
    Розкрито деякі аспекти педагогіки партнерства в умовах становлення нової української школи. Проаналізовано сучасні проблеми гуманізації професійної підготовки вчителя в контексті трансформацій сучасного суспільства. ...
  • Matviienko, Olena; Матвієнко, Олена Валеріївна (Yunona Publishing, New York, USA, 2020)
    The article examines the psychological studies that enlighten the child's adaptation to school. Adaptation of preschool child is defined as the process of adaptation, changing of the child’s psyche in the conditions of ...
  • Maiatina, Natalia; Matviienko, Olena; Маятіна, Н. В.; Матвієнко, О. В. (Cartero Publishing House, Madrid, Spain, 2018)
    Розглянуто самореалізацію та її основні детермінанти. Аналізується різна трактовка поняття «професійна самореалізація» та її специфіка. Описано поетапну структуру професійної самореалізації, а також подано коротку ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (Al-Ghurair Printing & Publishing LLC, Dubai, UAE, 2016)
    In this article we try to consider joining a child of primary school age in the macrocosm of moral relations adulthood as through "magnifying glass". "Visual" determinants of both positive and negative moral development. ...
  • Matviienko, Olena; Olefirenko, Taras (Видавництво Ліра-К, 2022)
    The main goal of  our research is  the theoretical substantiation of  the importance of emotional well-being for the full personal development of children. The challenges associated with the large-scale war unleashed ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (Les Editions L'Originаlе, Paris (France), 2016)
    The author writes on inputting of primary school age child into macrocosmic of moral relations adulthood through “magnifying glass", "visual" determinants as positive and negative moral development. She stresses, that ...
  • Didur, Natalia; Matviienko, Olena (Toronto : Shiny Word Corp. (Canada), 2017)
    Статтю присвячено проблемі формування соціокультурної компетентності майбутніх учителів початкової школи у процесі фахової підготовки. Розглянуто сучасний стан сформованості соціокультурної компетентності майбутніх учителів ...
  • Baranova, Yuliia; Matviienko, Olena; Баранова, Юлія; Матвієнко, Олена Валеріївна (Toronto: Shiny Word.Corp. (Canada), 2019)
    This article deals with the problem of readiness formation for scientific research activity of future foreign language teachers. For this purpose, the authors investigated scientific literature and developed the structure ...
  • Matviienko, Olena (Edizioni Magi − Roma, Italy., 2016)
    The different science approaches of teacher’s professional development in the way of modern teacher’s professional competence are presented. The main technological aspects of future teacher’s professional preparation are ...